Saturday, October 20, 2012

One year ago today

We were told that Elliott had complications incompatible with life and that practically everything regarding her body and organs were abnormal. That she was a 1 in 10,000 baby.

We can't imagine what our life would be like today had we not of been strong enough to do what we knew was right in our hearts, had we not met our sweet little baby girl. Elliott was truly a gift in so many ways.

"Life is not defined by it's timeline, by years, days, hours or even a few sweet minutes, 
It is defined by love." 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I find comfort in this

Jesus Calling Devotional by Sarah Young
Be prepared to suffer for Me, in My name. All suffering has meaning in My kingdom. Pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me. Bearing your circumstances bravely – even thanking Me for them – is one of the highest forms of praise. This sacrifice of thanksgiving rings golden-toned bells of Joy throughout heavenly realms. On earth also, your patient suffering sends our ripples of good tidings in ever-widening circles
When suffering strikes, remember that I am sovereign and that I can bring good out of everything. Do not try to run from pain or hide from problems. Instead, accept adversity in My name, offering it up to Me for My purpose. Thus, your suffering gains meaning and draws you closer to Me. Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through your trust and thankfulness.
James 1:3-4, Psalms 107:21-22

Look to Me continually for help, comfort and companionship. Because I am always by your side, the briefest glance can connect you with Me. When you look to Me for help, it flows freely from My presence. This recognition of your need for Me, in small matters as well as in large ones, keeps you spiritually alive.
When you need comfort, I love to enfold you in my arms. I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others. Thus you are doubly blessed, because a living channel absorbs some of whatever flows through it.
My constant Companionship is the piece de resistance: the summit of salvation blessings. No matter what losses you experience in your life, no one can take away this glorious gift.
Psalm 34:4-6, Psalm 105:4, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

I hope others will too.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

Wave of Light for October 15th

Everyone is invited to light a candle on October 15th at 7pm in ALL Time Zones

If eveyrone lights a candle at 7pm and keeps it burning for at least an hour, there will be a continuous WAVE OF LIGHT over the entire world on October 15th, for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.

Read More Here;

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Perinatal Hospice

The time has come when we get to say thank you to a wonderful woman named Janet and support her work with Perinatal Hospice and Joe and I cannot wait to stand before a crowd of 500+ people and share our story about Elliott and how Janet helped us along the way.

I don't know if we will ever have the words to describe what Janet did for us but we've spent hours working on our speech and praying for God to speak through us and give us the strength to get on that stage and pour out our thanks to her.

Janet volunteers her time to come along families going through similar situations as ours and guides them through the pregnancy, delivery and what follows. She offers a variety of services to families, from in home lamaze classes to help with birth plans and funeral arrangements and so much more. All of her services and time spent with the family is free and she truly makes herself available day and night. The day we unexpectedly went in to labor with Elliott, Joe called Janet and within hours she was at the hospital with us.

We feel blessed to have been introduced to Janet and for the information and services she provided Joe, Elliott and I.

This Saturday a fundraiser will be held at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor at 7:30pm, including a concert with accomplished composer and pianist Eric Genuis. Eric and his wife have had two newborn losses and alot of his music is dedicated to the memory of their babies. The concert is open to the public and free to attend and a goodwill offering will be collected at the end for Perinatal Hospice.

If anyone would like to make a donation to Janet you can send a check to Perinatal Hospice, PO Box 2102, Ann Arbor MI 48106. Please make the check to Perinatal Hospice and put Elliott Jensen in the memo line. Some of the money donated in Elliott's name is used to purchase the book I Will Carry You, by Angie Smith. I read this book during the pregnancy and felt a connection with the author. This book mentored me, ministered to me and helped me during the pregnancy. It is a story very similar to ours and now Janet donates this book to families she works with. The money will also be used to purchase memory boxes. While it may just seem like a simple little box, these memory boxes are cherished by the families.

We are incredibly thankful to Janet and for this opportunity to talk about Elliott.

Friday, October 5, 2012


At certain moments I find myself thinking about unpacking those fall decorations and putting them out in the house. As I walk through the isles in the stores my focus turns to the creative halloween witches and at times I think it would be fun to bring home some pumkins for Joe and I to carve out.

But it's just not in me this year.

How we got through them last year I don't know. Maybe it's because Elliott was still with us, maybe it's because our family and friends walked on pins and needles around us carefully choosing their words and while never really knowing what to say to us...said it all in a hug, or a prayer or a card or a call.

If I didn't have a job, if I didn't have a wonderful husband, if I didn't have an amazing family and friends and if I didn't have my faith, I would crawl back into bed and sleep from now until January 1st...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The 3rd is for Elliott

While we held you in our hands for just a short time,
we hold you in our hearts forever