Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holding her

Lately Elliott is snuggling up so intensely to the side of my stomach. I can feel her so well, place my hands where she is and just hold her. She did it again this morning and I held her for so long, I eventually fell back asleep. It was so peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. She wants to hug her amazing mommy as many times as she can. :) Your last post was SO incredible, it hit the nail directly on the head. I wish I could find some words of comfort and peace, but the only thing I can think of is that COPING becomes easier with time. The pain never goes away, I lost my best friend who was like a second father to me almost five years ago, and at random times I'll break down again like it was just yesterday. I'll cry, ask God why? but then, the gaping hole starts to heal around the edges, and sadly that's usually the only thing that will heal. Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it creates incredible coping devices. ::Hugs.:: I hope this finds you all well, I just had to say something. :)
