Monday, January 23, 2012

Over the past week

Our week started off with a wonderful gift from some very special friends, a maternity photo session. We were overcome by their generosity and were extremely pleased with our photographer, Kathryn Gibson from Canton, MI. Kathryn is incredibly kind and considerate especially regarding our situation with Elliott and it shows through in her pictures. At the beginning of our pregnancy I was thrilled with the idea of maternity pictures along with all of the other fun and exciting things that go along with carrying a baby. After learning of Elliott's conditions I just kind of forgot or pushed out the idea of getting those pictures taken. My mind was consumed by so many other thoughts, concerns and worries. So receiving this gift meant a great deal to both Joe and I. Without even having to talk about it, we know this is something special we've shared with just Elliott and we will have pictures and memories to last us forever.

Here's a link to Kathryn's blog with some of our pictures;

Tuesday I went to the OB, another quick appointment but was told my belly is measuring much larger than it should be. Elliott is on the larger size but Dr. P. could tell that I was probably carrying more amnio fluid than I should be. This was all confirmed Thursday during an ultrasound. Elliott is unable to swallow like we thought she was and therefore I have about 3 times the normal amount of anmiotic fluid I should have. The normal levels fall between 7-20 and I have around 35. Our specialist talked to us about an amnioreduction but said if we were to do one now we would most likely have to do another reduction in about a month because it will continue to build up. She asked me how "comfortable" I am and honestly I'm ok. My belly is big and seems to grow just over night but I'm managing. I'm getting through each day and even working out a few times a week with yoga and the treadmill to stay healthy. So until I can't get out of bed or move I really don't want to do the reduction, especially if it's anything like the amniocentisis, which was incredibly painful. I will see the OB every 2 weeks now and our specialist said if I get up to 45 cm of amnio fluid then she will demand the reduction, so until then we'll just keep praying for good things. One of the risks to an amnioreduction is premature labor and I really want to carry Elliott as long as we can.

I remember in the early weeks of learning about Elliotts complications I wanted to be induced early. I truly didn't think I had the strength to carry out the pregnancy for months and months. But after praying each and every day for strength and praying each and every day for peace in my heart over God's plan for our sweet daughter it breaks my heart to think of getting induced early or going into labor preterm. I feel like I've come to terms with this all, I've put EVERYTHING in God's hands and I am trusting him with EVERYTHING I am  and EVERYTHING I have.

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