Monday, July 2, 2012

The 3rd is for Elliott

This is my favorite picture of Elliott. 

I think she looks like a little angel here.

I look forward to these monthly posts, sharing her pictures one by one. There is no rush to share them all, for these are all we have. I think of Elliott as each month passes but more so on the 3rd. I think of Elliott every day, and a even more on Fridays. I think of Elliott as ever hour and minute ticks away for it's still so hard to believe she is gone. And as 1 o'clock approaches I remember she was here, she was alive, and I remember - it was all so very worth it. 


  1. This is one of my favorite pictures of her too. So beautiful and so peaceful.

    Love you all, Jordan and Abbie

  2. Remembering Elliott and thinking of you all on this 3rd of July.

  3. I was getting ready before bed last night and I remembered it was the 3rd, and I thought of your precious girl. Goodness she looks SO much like her daddy! Beautiful picture.

  4. Never far from my thoughts...Mandy

  5. Dear KIm,
    It's another Friday...I pray and know God is carrying you & Joe!
    I'm sorry and I can't believe this is the 1st time I've read your blog. It is so beautiful, a wonderful memory and honor to Elliott.
    I too love your fav pic of her, mine is the one of her precious feet <3 I'm with my girls visiting friends in SWitzerland. It rains here too, but it's still good. I'm eating too much and not swimming. Tomorrow we meet Johannes again to go 'home' to Austria(he's been in a conferance all week)How was your vacation w/ Joe? I pray you have a good summer! I'll be back at Women's bible study the eve of July 31, hope 2 C U then. God's peace, love & hugs, Lynne
