Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Very high highs and very low lows

(September, 2011)
We've been living in Michigan for about a year now and for the past year we've been living in one of Joe's co-worker's home. The family has been relocated on assignment and we've had the pleasure of renting out their home from them. Our year lease is about to end and we've found a new condo to rent in the next town over.

I've scheduled two appointments for the day. The first is my 11/12 week appointment with the OB. I've heard this can be one of the longer appointments so Joe and I have decided he doesn't need to come to this one. He has a pretty busy work schedule and there will be plenty more appointments he can come to. As the OB puts the warm gel on my belly she tells me we might be able to pick up the baby's heart beat. (oh how I wish Joe was here now, he'd love this). We see the baby immediately on the screen and I'm shocked at how much our peanut has grown in the past 4 weeks. Dr. J, one of my OBs (I will eventually see 5 at this hospital) moves around my belly and wow, there it is - we hear the heartbeat. I start crying and feel a huge sense of relief. I didn't think anything was wrong, but I just feel reassured that things are ok. Dr. J. jokes and says she hope those are tears of happiness. They definitely are :-).

I've taken the day off work because just this afternoon I will head back to the hospital for the First Trimester Scan. There's a small window of time to get this test done and it just worked out to have it done the same day.

After lunch I drove to the new condo and unloaded a few boxes from my car and decide to take the interstate to the hospital. It's either this or going through miles of construction in town...should have pick the construction. There's been a small fender bender on the highway and I'm sitting in traffic. I call the hospital and  tell them I'm running late. They let me know that I can be up to 15 minutes late before they cancel the appointment. I decide to try and make it. As traffic continues to crawl ahead I start wondering if this is a sign, maybe I shouldn't go, do we really need to get this test done? I think about the morning's appointment and the OB didn't seem to be concerned with anything. But, maybe if I do make it to this appointment I'll get to hear the heartbeat again and it's so much fun seeing the baby on the monitor.

I finally make it, rush up to the 3rd floor and sign in. The ladies are nice, I'm hoping they appreciated my call to let them know I'm running late. Soon a  nurse calls my name and we head back. I lay back in the bed and she applies more gel to my belly. We see the baby and hear the heartbeat :-). She's quiet and continues to do the scan. She jokes that the baby is being stubborn and won't move for her to get what she needs done. She asks me to lay on my side for a bit, hoping this will move the baby into the position she needs. I grab my phone when she leaves the room and text Joe. He jokingly responds saying he thinks the baby is a boy because it's already being stubborn. The nurse comes back in and we continue to scan, again the baby won't cooperate. She proceeds to tell me that she's a little concerned with a spot on the babies back. She "reassures" me that she isn't saying anything is wrong, but wants the specialist to come take a look. I'm a little shaken up at this point.

The specialist comes into the room and they both look at the monitor. At this point the nurse is really trying to get the baby to move, pushing on my stomach and apologizing with each jab. The specialist is nice but starts asking lots of questions about my health history? - good, any medication? - none, family history? - nothing major, have I had any cramping or bleeding? - some cramping but no bleeding. It goes on and on. He concludes by agreeing with the nurse and tells me I need to come back in 4 weeks for a spinal follow up. At this point I am so shocked and unsure of things I just say ok and before I know it I'm in the car heading home.

I call Joe, he's on his way to night class. Joe's always the more optimistic one, an encourager and supporter. He listens and calms me down, saying he's sure it's nothing and let's just pray and think positive thoughts until our next appointment. He can't talk for too long so once we're off the phone I call my mom. I'm trying to stay calm as I repeat the appointment to her but I completely break down. She listens and says she'll do anything she can to help. I'm scared, sad, unsure and wanting answers now, not in 4 weeks.

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